circular footwear

Vivobarefoot’s Circular Footwear Revolution

Last Updated: January 16, 2024By

In a world grappling with environmental concerns, global natural health lifestyle brand Vivobarefoot is taking a bold step towards sustainability by partnering with circular material-science startup Balena. The partnership aims to revolutionize the footwear industry with made-to-order, made-to-measure, locally produced, and compostable and recyclable shoes, challenging the wasteful practices of conventional shoe production – it’s circular footwear.

Conventional shoes, often over-designed and over-produced, have become a major environmental concern. Mass consumption of these shoes not only harms our bodies but also contributes to vast amounts of waste. With 12 billion pairs ending up in landfills every year, the need for a circular end-of-life system for footwear has become imperative.

The intricacy of shoe design and the diverse materials used pose significant challenges in creating a circular system for footwear. Recycling and reintegrating used shoes into the supply chain are formidable tasks due to the multitude of components. While some industry players are making efforts, such as Nike’s fully circular shoe, the industrywide shift towards sustainable practices remains piecemeal.

Vivobarefoot and Balena are determined to offer a solution to the challenges faced by the footwear industry. They believe that biodegradable material alternatives combined with on-demand design and production can pave the way for a more sustainable future. The partnership seeks to prove that a circular model is achievable through innovation in materials and production methods.

Balena’s BioCir flex material emerges as a game-changer in the quest for sustainable circular footwear. Compostable, biobased, recyclable, and thermoplastic, BioCir flex maintains high flexibility similar to standard filament for 3D printing. The material is industrially compostable, reducing the environmental impact of discarded prints and enabling the 3D printing of flexible and durable items with the unique property of biodegradability.

Acknowledging its role in both the problem and the solution, Vivobarefoot introduces VivoBiome, a scan-to-print, circular design platform that revolutionizes the shoe design and production process. By incorporating Balena’s BioCir flex material, Vivobarefoot aims to take their commitment to sustainability a step further.

Balena, founded in 2020, is on a mission to create a circular model for durable consumer goods. Inspired by Vivobarefoot’s vision, Balena developed BioCir flex to contribute to a fundamental change in the materials used across industries. The partnership between the two companies marks a significant step towards achieving true sustainability in consumer product manufacturing.

As Vivobarefoot and Balena join forces to create a circular footwear model, they signal a paradigm shift in the industry. The BioCir flex material, combined with innovative design platforms, offers a glimpse into a future where footwear is not just a product but a sustainable and fully compostable solution. With this collaboration, Vivobarefoot moves closer to its goal of developing performance footwear that is both durable and environmentally friendly, setting a new standard for the footwear industry.