
Planet Green Files $500 Million Lawsuit Against Amazon Over Falsely Advertised “Recycled” Printer Cartridges

Last Updated: September 12, 2023By

Chatsworth, CA – August 16, 2023: Planet Green Cartridges, Inc., a U.S. printer cartridge recycler and remanufacture, has taken a significant step in the fight against deceptive marketing and environmental responsibility. The company has filed a lawsuit of $500 million against tech giant Amazon, alleging that Amazon has engaged in false advertising and unfair competition by selling newly manufactured clone printer ink cartridges misleadingly marketed as “remanufactured” and falsely presented as eco-friendly recycled products.

Planet Green Cartridges, Inc. has conducted extensive research documenting instances of clone printer cartridges, falsely labeled as remanufactured, inundating the market through Amazon’s extensive platforms, including and Amazon Warehouse. These cartridges, primarily originating from China, carry deceptive labels and recycling symbols, and promote misleading environmental claims, which not only contradict Amazon’s publicly stated environmental mission but also violate federal and state laws.

Despite repeated efforts by Planet Green to bring attention to this issue, Amazon continues to endorse, distribute, and profit from the sale of these deceptive cartridges, misleading millions of Amazon customers with their advertising practices.

Amazon has, in response to these allegations of deceptive listings and false labeling, asserted protection under the Communications Decency Act, particularly invoking 47 U.S.C. section 230 to claim immunity from third-party content liability on its platform.


John Ulin, the attorney representing Planet Green, contests Amazon’s interpretation of Section 230. He asserts, “This lawsuit challenges Amazon’s reliance on Section 230, as it actively participates in the promotion, distribution, and sale of illicit cartridges. The evidence we have compiled points to Amazon’s significant role in the distribution and sale of counterfeit recycled products, holding the e-commerce giant responsible for these unlawful items.”

Planet Green’s CEO, Sean Levi, underscores the importance of fair competition in the marketplace, stating, “We have a right to compete within a framework of fairness. Companies must adhere to the law and substantiate their claims; otherwise, we are prepared to take all necessary measures to safeguard our business interests.”

The U.S. printer cartridge remanufacturing industry, born in the 1980s, was a groundbreaking solution to the issue of printer cartridge waste. In its heyday, this sector made substantial contributions to the U.S. economy, supporting numerous businesses and jobs within a circular economy valued in the billions. However, today, the industry faces an existential threat primarily due to the inundation of imported single-use clone printer cartridges available through Amazon’s platforms.

Contrary to common misconceptions, overseas-imported products are not invariably cheaper. The surge in clone printer cartridges from international sources has prompted leading printer manufacturers to introduce firmware restrictions on aftermarket clone cartridges, resulting in significant price hikes over the years to offset revenue losses, negatively impacting consumers. The exorbitant cost of printer cartridges highlights the importance of protecting U.S. remanufactures, who play a pivotal role in cost-effective printing by repurposing used name-brand cartridges.

A pressing concern lies in the absence of return recycling programs for imported clone printer cartridges, leaving consumers with limited options for managing plastic waste. Energy Central reports an alarming annual disposal of over 375 million printer cartridges in U.S. landfills. Additionally, the production of new clone cartridges depletes natural resources and escalates greenhouse gas emissions, further exacerbating environmental challenges.

Mr. Levi points out, “Considering Amazon’s professed commitment to sustainability and Jeff Bezos’ Earth Fund, one would expect Amazon to actively contribute to solutions rather than perpetuate environmental challenges. I call on Jeff Bezos to lead the way and help revive the printer cartridge remanufacturing industry, which is the only sustainable solution to the growing problem of printer cartridge plastic waste adversely impacting our environment.”

The lawsuit has been officially filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California under case number: 2:23-cv-06647, representing a pivotal aspect of Planet Green’s broader efforts to reduce plastic waste, protect the environment, and promote a circular economy.

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