
Pierce and Paris Brosnan Tackle Global Plastic Pollution

Last Updated: September 28, 2023By

In the heart of the global plastic waste crisis, Irish actor and film producer Pierce Brosnan, known for his iconic portrayal of James Bond, has joined hands with his 21-year-old filmmaker son, Paris Brosnan, to shine a spotlight on the pressing issue of plastic pollution. Together, they star in a powerful video PSA as part of the “Plastic is Forever… so it’s time to get clever about managing it” campaign, an initiative by the BRS Conventions in partnership with the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions.

The BRS Conventions, three multinational environmental agreements operating under the United Nations Environment Programme, are dedicated to safeguarding both people and the environment from the harmful effects of toxic chemicals and waste. Among them, the Basel Convention stands as the only international treaty that legally binds 189 nations to enforce stringent controls on the transboundary movement of plastic waste.

The Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendments represent a pivotal step forward in establishing an international, legally binding agreement aimed at definitively eradicating plastic pollution. As Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the BRS Secretariat, emphasizes, “Our campaign slogan was born out of the need to show that not all is bleak when it comes to global environmental governance. We want to raise awareness of the work put in place by the international community, and the tangible results we are achieving while trying to tackle the plastic waste crisis.”

In their video message, the Brosnans shed light on the near-eternal life cycle of plastic, which can take hundreds of years to disintegrate, breaking down into insidious microplastics. These minuscule plastic particles have been discovered in the remotest corners of the Earth, from the peaks of Mount Everest to the deepest ocean trenches. They have even infiltrated the placentas of pregnant women. With such far-reaching implications, it has never been more imperative to move away from single-use plastics.

Beyond their detrimental environmental impact, studies have begun to unveil the havoc microplastics can wreak on human cells. Through various vectors, including food and the air we breathe, we are unwittingly consuming these tiny plastic particles, prompting concerns about their potential health consequences.

Rolph Payet expressed gratitude for the Brosnans’ contributions to raising awareness about the global plastic waste crisis. He stated, “We wholeheartedly welcome the gracious contributions of Pierce Brosnan and Paris Brosnan to inform the general public about the constantly evolving state of the global plastic waste crisis and the tools we have at our disposal to address it. Hopefully, their millions of fans – including decision-makers – will be inspired by their message and engage in the minimization and management of plastic waste.”

The “Plastic is Forever” campaign coincided with the conclusion of the 2022 BRS Conferences of Parties (BRS COPs). It featured various engaging initiatives, including a photo competition, a hackathon, a social media challenge highlighting plastic in the sea and on mountains, and an illuminations show held at Geneva’s Palais des Nations during the BRS COPs.

To put the scale of the plastic problem into perspective, the world produces a staggering 300 million tons of plastic annually, with a disheartening 78 percent of it neither reclaimed nor recycled. Shockingly, an estimated 8.8 million tons of plastic find their way into the oceans each year, threatening the survival of approximately 700 marine animal species due to entanglement, pollution, and ingestion. A staggering 50 percent of sea turtles have plastic in their stomachs.

Looking ahead, projections from the World Economic Forum suggest that by 2025, there will be one tonne of plastic for every three tonnes of fish. If business continues as usual, the ocean’s future could be bleaker still, with more plastic than fish by 2050.

In a world grappling with the ever-expanding plastic waste crisis, the collaboration between Pierce and Paris Brosnan is a heartening reminder that even in the face of colossal challenges, individuals and communities can unite to drive change. Their voices amplify the urgent call for a collective effort to address plastic pollution, preserving the health of our planet and safeguarding its myriad life forms. With the Brosnans and organizations like the BRS Conventions leading the way, a brighter, less plastic-laden future beckons on the horizon.