A case that vividly illustrates this problem is the ongoing importation and sale of Ninestar products, a company notorious for its alleged involvement in forced labor.
On June 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security took a momentous step in addressing concerns related to forced labor by officially including Ninestar in the UFLPA Entity List.
Planet Green Cartridges, has taken a significant step in the fight against deceptive marketing and environmental responsibility. The company has filed a lawsuit of $500 million against tech giant Amazon.
In our modern world, fossil fuels have long been the lifeblood of various industries and the energy needs of the general public.
In the realm of ink cartridges, a shadowy underbelly exists - one dominated by counterfeit compatibles.
Did you know that opting for compatible printer cartridges to save money inadvertently contributes to the surge in global carbon emissions?