Today is : September 28, 2024

News Blog

More Jeff Bezos Hypocrisy

Take the Jeff Bezos hypocrisy; the centibillionaire and founder of Amazon, stands in the spotlight as his lavish lifestyle, particularly his $500 million superyacht named Koru. It's very existence and use raises eyebrows and exposes a glaring contradiction with the mission of his Earth Fund.

2023-11-27T23:12:44+00:00Environment, Latest News|

Paltering Is The New Green

In recent years, the fashion industry has faced mounting pressure to address sustainability concerns and environmental impacts. However, a new and subtle threat has emerged within this quest for corporate social responsibility (CSR) — the little-known practice of "paltering."

2023-11-17T06:44:00+00:00Business, Latest News|
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