
Atlanta Has Taken a Proactive Step in Improving its Recycling Efforts

Last Updated: September 1, 2023By

The city of Atlanta has taken a proactive step in improving its recycling efforts with the innovative “Feet on the Street” program. This initiative involves auditors hitting the streets to verify the contents of blue recycling bins, ensuring that residents are disposing of their waste responsibly. The auditors play a crucial role in identifying any non-acceptable items that have been improperly placed in these bins.

This hands-on approach to waste management is a commendable effort by the city to educate its residents about recycling best practices. When auditors come across bins with unacceptable items, they take the opportunity to inform the residents. They attach a flyer directly onto the bin, offering valuable information about what should and should not be placed in the recycling bin. This direct outreach method serves as a helpful reminder for residents and contributes to raising awareness about responsible recycling.

For those interested in learning more about this innovative program and witnessing it in action, there’s an informative news video from “11 Alive” news in Atlanta that provides an insightful glimpse into the “Feet on the Street” program. This video not only showcases the auditors in action but also highlights the city’s commitment to sustainable waste management practices. It’s a fantastic resource for residents and anyone interested in sustainable urban living to see how Atlanta is taking steps towards a greener future.


Feet on the Street is a Recycling Education Campaign facilitated by The Department of Public Works (DPW) and The Recycling Partnership to improve the quantity and quality of recyclables collected from single-family homes across the city of Atlanta while achieving the City’s waste diversion goals and better serving our residents.