America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day And The The Evolution of Sustainability

Last Updated: November 16, 2023By

Each year on November 15, millions of environmentally conscious individuals across the United States come together to celebrate America Recycles Day, a movement that not only raises awareness about recycling but also emphasizes the pivotal role each of us plays in creating a sustainable future.

Founded in 1997 by the National Recycling Coalition, America Recycles Day has become a national movement. Each year, the President declares November 15 as America Recycles Day, urging Americans to commit to recycling. Since 2009, the initiative has been a program of Keep America Beautiful, with thousands of events held across the country to raise awareness.

Participating in America Recycles Day is as simple as incorporating recycling into your daily routine. Recycle, buy recycled goods, and spread awareness about the benefits of recycling using the hashtag #AmericaRecyclesDay on social media.

The way we recycle and reuse products significantly impacts our environment. Consider the staggering statistic that 60 million one-use water bottles flood America’s waterways and landfills every day. Combatting this issue involves simple yet effective steps, such as opting for water filtration devices and using portable reusable bottles and cups.

Furthermore, repurposing and reusing old items can significantly reduce waste. Shopping at secondhand stores not only prevents items from ending up in landfills but also saves you money. It’s a win-win situation where one person’s cast-offs become another person’s treasure.

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Our waste management professionals are unsung heroes in the fight against environmental degradation. Beyond garbage collection, they offer valuable services and programs that protect and reduce our impact on the environment. They provide a wealth of information, offering hard facts and guidance to help communities adopt sustainable practices.

While we strive to improve recycling across the board, one area where the United States excels is aluminum recycling. Recycling approximately 65% of its aluminum, the U.S. is setting an impressive example. Consider this: 105,800 cans are recycled every minute in America, and the energy saved from recycling one can can power your television for three hours.

The aluminum recycling industry pays more than $1 billion annually for recycled cans, proving that sustainable practices can also contribute to economic growth.

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Reducing waste starts with individual choices. Before making a purchase, consider if you truly need the item and if it aligns with eco-friendly standards. Everyone can make a difference by consuming less, choosing green products, and promoting recycling in their communities.

On America Recycles Day, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes the impact of recycling on American prosperity and environmental protection. With the current recycling rate at 32%, the EPA aims to increase it to 50% by 2030. Recycling not only reduces waste but also conserves resources, saves energy, supports American manufacturing, and creates jobs.

The benefits of recycling are manifold, ranging from reducing landfill waste to conserving natural resources, increasing economic security, preventing pollution, saving energy, and supporting American industries.

As we celebrate America Recycles Day, let’s remember that each small action contributes to a more sustainable future. By collectively embracing recycling and sustainable practices, we can create a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful world for generations to come.